THE dream of a splash park in Oswestry has moved one step closer after councillors voted to advance the project to the next stage.

The decision was supposed to taken at June's Amenities committee meeting but a public intervention from former mayor Martin Bennett asking for clarification on whether the Smithfield capital receipt money could be spent on the splash pad.

According to a report submitted to the council by town clerk Arren Roberts, the splash park would be financed by money taken from the windfall following the sale of the Smithfield Market in Shrewsbury Road.

Mr Bennett asked the council to reconsider the use of money –around £380,000 – from the windfall, which he believed should be spent on capital projects, and questioned the legality of whether the money should be used for the splash pad.

However, at Monday's full town council meeting, councillors confirmed a report by Mr Roberts that stated the council's legal advisors were satisfied that it could decide on how to spend the money.

His report concluded: "It is for the council to determine the policy regarding the use of the Smithfield Windfall Receipt.

"The council's solicitor agrees with this conclusion, having reviewed again the 2013 lease, the planning permission and the review of the files, there is no obligation within that document as to how the council should spend its premium."

Councillors quickly moved to progress the work, but were critical of the delay faced follow Mr Bennett's intervention.

Councillor Duncan Kerr said: "I express my incredulity that someone who has been mayor three times was making claims around the money and that if I was being kind, he was being misguided."

Cllr Kerr welcomed the splash park.

He added: "Something like the splash park will be a fabulous opportunity for families who may not be able to afford to go abroad on holiday next year, because of rising energy bills etc.

"It will bring people to the town and it will help young people make great memories."

Cllr Jonathan Upton added: "We’ve seen the success of them in nearby towns and we just need to get on with it."

Cllr Rosie Radford said: "I’ve been to Shrewsbury Splash Pad and I would much rather take my girls to the one in Oswestry."

Councillors voted in a majority, with Conservative Frank Davis voting against, to move the project onto a tender process.