A DELAY in the building of a ramp giving access to the Horsemarket Car Park for pushchairs and wheelchairs is down to waiting until relevant equipment is ready.

Members of the public in Oswestry have expressed frustration in delays in completing the work, which connects Castle Street and car park leading into the Indoor Market.

And the long lead in time for the manufacturing of railings has meant Oswestry Town Council has taken the decision to open up access to Castle Street from the Horsemarket Car Park via the steps.

But town clerk Arren Roberts said the new accessible ramp cannot be opened and used until the railings have been made and fitted.

He said: "For a number of reasons the construction of the ramp has taken far longer than the town council would have hoped but we are now very close to having the railings fitted which will allow it to be fully open.

"As a temporary measure access to the steps has been opened to allow access onto Castle Street.

"The new ramp will improve access for those with mobility problems and for pushchairs and prams and we will be pleased when it is fully open.”