With reference to Maureen Burnside, Coeliac UK’s letter in the Advertizer this week, I was diagnosed two and a half years ago as a strict coeliac after many years of stomach pain and upset.

I am now turned 70 so must have suffered with this for many years.

I rigidly stick to gluten free and troll a website for GF food.

This however is misleading as quite often it is classed and sold as GF but in small print it says MAY contain gluten”. I also cannot tolerate spiced or acidic food which again makes my diet pretty bland and boring.

I have been asked why I do not bake my own bread and cakes and the answer to this is simply the cost of ingredients. Also you have to be aware of the sugar content on the sweet side of desserts and biscuits.

The only bread I have been able to call bread is Warburton’s white sliced – all others are a very good copy of dried cardboard.

I recently spent four days in hospital, and on many occasions there were not bread rolls for tea. Cooked meals are supplied by a well-known manufacturer, but who wants to eat the same every day?

It is not rocket science to be able top serve or produce a substantial healthy meal from normal food but I’ve been told on many occasions, no, we can’t do that.

This is a disease that is now being made very aware and there are a lot of GF sufferers about through no choice of their own.

It’s time the price of this food was not more expensive than our normal food.

It’s time something was changed for those of us with this disease.

Annette Brough
