ENVIRONMENTAL equipment was needed by Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS) firefighters to clear up a tractor and hay bale fire on Sunday.

Two crews from Oswestry were called to Knockin Heath shortly after 11am on Sunday after reports of a tractor fire on the B4396.

Firefighters had to use multiple pieces of kit to put the fire out, leaving the tractor and the bales of hay completely destroyed.


Shropshire Highways and the Environment Agency were both informed of the incident as oil was spilled on the road.

A SFRS spokesman said: “Crews used breathing apparatus, Environment Agency equipment, a hosereel jet and a thermal imaging camera to tackle the fire

“One tractor and several hay bales were destroyed by fire.

“Crews used two hosereel jets to extinguish while wearing breathing apparatus.

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“The Environment Agency and Shropshire Highways were notified because of a hydraulic oil spill on the highway.

“Environmental mats were used on the highway drains to clear oil.”

A stop message confirming no further support was required was sent at around 12.30pm.